Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Introduction & Day 1

Hi guys! It's my first time blogging. It's also my first time allowing the public to know all about my life behind closed doors. Well, a little background on me...My name is Nadia, I'm 20, soon to be 21 in less than 2 months (so pumped!) and I live in Philadelphia. I'm a college student and I absolutely cannot wait to graduate. I have my own Big Fat Greek family that I absolutely could not live without and I have a wonderful boyfriend who I just adore way too much. With that said, I love love love to cook, bake and make so many unhealthy yet, spontaneous recipes that I find on Pinterest. It's an addiction, I swear. Nonetheless, I'm a "North New Jerseyian" at heart. I'm obsessed with animal print and house music-that alone should just explain my personality.

But let's cut to the chase... I've always had weight problems since I could remember, and recently, my weight has sky rocketed. I've done everything in the past, diet pills, Nutrasystem and Weight Watchers. I can't say that these options didn't work for me, because at the time they did; however, I gained everything I lost, plus more. Lately, I've been unhappy with how I feel and look. My overall lifestyle was fast food, constant dinners with my friends and family, and with minimal to rare exercise. I needed a change- and a drastic one.

         So here it is, the Bouari Clinic. The change I needed. A strict diet that allows you to purchase your own food at the grocery store, prepare your on food and create meals with healthy options that will increase your weight loss. Not bad, huh? It's a lot better than buying packaged meals since you aren't preparing them on your own. Once you stop eating those meals, you and your scale won't be friends anymore. So this is why the Bouari Clinic isn't a diet, but a lifestyle change.

         As I mentioned in the video posted below, I briefly explain how the protocol works and what I'm cutting out. It's not the whole list, but it gives you guys an idea.
       Let's just say that I don't feel deprived of any foods, and currently I'm on Day 14. The video I posted is when I first started on Day 1, when I was also 12lbs heavier. ;) 

Check it out, and let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns. I will continue to post blogs very frequently. The more motivation the better!

**Just a quick note that I have not been paid to write this blog. This is my personal weight loss journey that I would like to share to those that are curious and interested in the Bouari Clinic. I know there aren't many personal reviews online, but I wanted to give people the "real deal" review.**



  1. Hi Nadia!

    I'm so happy that you are posting your story and allowing everyone into your life. As I read your story, I see myself. I have always had a problem with weight and have never really been able to keep anything off. I recently tried Nutrisystem where I lost 20 lbs but quit when I had a visitor in town and never started back up again. And since I stopped, I've gained almost all of it back. I want to lose about 50-60 lbs to get me to a healthy weight. I just saw a commercial for Bouari Clinic here in Vegas and started researching it. But there's one thing that is never really posted...the price. I want to do it but I need to make sure I can afford to sign up before I get in over my head. Can you please let me know how much they quoted you and if you have to pay everything up front?

    Again, thank you so much for telling your story!! You are inspiring me to try the program and finally become healthy!!

    ~Michelle :D

    1. Hi Michelle! I tried to respond to you before, but I can't respond through email, only on my actual blog, so sorry for the delay! Thank you for reading my blog and I'm so happy to hear that I have inspired you to become healthy again! You do not have to pay the full amount up front, but $300 up front, and the rest after 10-14 days, which is another $150. This is for the full 60 day protocol. Yes it may be a little pricey, but I personally don't care about spending the money, because in all honesty, I would pay anything for my health and to be happy with myself and my body. I wish you all the best with the Bouari Clinic! As of now I'm down 20lbs and I feel amazing! Please keep me informed on how you do!

    2. Congratulations on the 20lbs!! That's so exciting!! I'm so happy for you!! Thanks for responding to my post. I'm working on getting the money together to start the protocol but it's so nice to know that you don't have to pay everything upfront. It sounds a little pricey but I spent over $200 a month for two months for Nutrisystem plus having to buy all the other food and I've just gained all that weight back. At least this way, I'll have support from the clinic.

      Thanks again for posting your progress. You have me so excited to start!! Keep up the great work! You're truly inspiring!!!

  2. Nadia, your weight loss has slowed because you are not eating enough. you have to eat all 3 meals (3.5oz protien with fruit or vegetable) and 2 snacks a day. your calorie intake is too low and it is causing your metabolism to slow. If you increase your intake you will see your weight loss to improve.Also, i dont know if you eat beef. but trying eating a steak off the list this week and you will probably see a good response. i know its hard to eat all ur meals and snacks when your not feeling hungry but the portions are small just get them in and your body will respond positively and you will lose more weight. you may have noticed your weight loss slowed when you appetite decreased. Keep up the good work!you are doing a fantastice job.
    Wendy Difulco( bouari clinic Metairie, La)

  3. YOU LOOK AMAZING already! You can really see the changes! I am considering Bouari and wanted to read or hear from someone NOT on the website (seemingly all that's out there) then I found your video! Thank you thank you thank you! I'll be watching your progress with anticipation!
